Corrine Jensen


Corrine is our Vice President, Greg Jensen’s wife. She has been with us socially and in spirit for a lifetime. If we presented a “lifetime commitment” award for positive social energy and overall support we would have retired it in her name long before she was officially on the team. Corrine’s Christmas baked treats alone are worth coming to the office for.

Raised in rural Montgomery, MN Corrine migrated in the direction of increased population and economic promise. She earned her degree in business from DCTC. Prior to starting with Reprise she was just down the street managing a dental office for 20 years. Her experience there connecting with patients and understanding the vast complexities of services and insurances translates magnificently to similar complexities around jurisdictions and approvals. Corrine manages internal office issues of payroll and accounting and external issues such as architectural registrations throughout North America.

See’s what needs to be done is her mantra. Every new circumstance that needs addressing comes with a detailed description and an equally detail proposed solution. Unafraid to take on new tasks, she has energy around applying prior strategies to new challenges. She externalizes her thinking by describing to us her proposed approach. We nod and say have at it.

The past few years outside of work have produce two married children and then a grandchild. Family is first on the list of Corrine’s meaningful outside activities. When not parenting or grand parenting; baking, crafting and traveling absorb her time.