James Herget, Assoc. AIA


Jim Herget has been a designer, a building code authority, and a CAD expert who is passionate about client service and now president of an international professional architectural firm. Our clients are, in almost all cases, expert at developing buildings themselves. Their displeasure is in having to explain it once again to their architect. Not only does he have the technical skills to get the job done right, he has a knack for building productive professional relationships that keep our clients coming back. With an uncanny ability to read into what people need, Jim can satisfy needs and solve problems early in the project. At the end of the day, he measures his success by how delighted his clients are. While some entrepreneurs are off searching for the future, Jim is steadfast in his promise to serve his clients today. This co-founder of Reprise stated it this way, “When clients hire us, they don’t have to worry about the care and oversight of their project. It gets done.”

His professional and personal interests are closely intertwined. His zeal for religion has inspired a focus on church design and participation as a member of the AIA’s Religious Architectural Committee and the Interfaith Forum in Religion, Art, and Architecture. Whether it’s music, religion, or the outdoors, when Jim focuses on something, he goes the distance. Average is the last thing he wants to be.

From our restaurant and major food chain clients to our institutional and commercial clients, Jim is there, taking care of relationships and following through with details. At Reprise Design, we see this co-founder as our anchor.

Greg Jensen

Senior Project Manager / Vice President

Greg Jensen leads for results, builds relationships, and acts with integrity. When we first met him 18 years ago, he instantly won our hearts. Respect for others and a gentlemanly approach characterize Greg. Those gifts caught our attention and still hold it today.

Armed with a lifetime of experience in team management, design, and construction detailing, Greg understands the varied business landscape and moves smoothly through it. His wide-ranging experiences include working with numerous corporate clients and development partners on hospitality, retail, historic preservation, urban-mixed use, office, industrial, school, and religious projects. He has worked with Parasole Restaurant Holdings, Lifetime Fitness, Best Buy, Medtronic, Multi Tech, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Applebee’s, and Holiday Inn. His development partners include Opus, United Properties, Oppidan, and Sherman Associates. Greg has just about done it all.

Greg bridges the gap between designer and contractor. He approaches his jobs with well-defined tasks but accepts the need for versatility to react to changing requirements. Clients respect his thoroughness and value-added service; teammates want to work with him. Feel free to call Greg with questions; he’s a great resource who can make your projects succeed. Plus, he’s just fun to talk to.

Corey Englund, AIA , NCARB

Senior Project Manager / Vice President

Corey is the winner of the AIA Henry Adams Medal for highest GPA in an accredited Master’s program. The prestigious and historic award has been granted to one individual per school for 100 years. Good character and promise are the earmarks of the award. He has been proving its deservedness day after day with his commitment to support and mentor others in his community and around the globe.

After graduation, he began offering his rendering skills, pro bono, to Food for His Children, a group focused on self-sustaining agriculture in Tanzania. He voluntarily shared his skill at algebra with students of the Minnesota Math Corps. He helped them recognize applications of math in everyday life and the usefulness of algebra in the design of buildings. Now in his spare time, Corey teaches basic elements of architecture to young students through the Minneapolis Public Schools.

At Reprise, Corey readily slips into the current of multiple projects. Though focused on outcomes and a commitment to helping a client’s vision come to life, he finds time to break from task to engage with others.  His dedication to others and strength at building community inspires us and, undoubtedly, will inspire young students and architects of the future.

Corey’s social character and credential earning precision has lead Reprise to build it’s future on him. He is among a small group of individuals consigned to move the firm forward and to carry the architectural registrations relevant to the commitment we have to our clients throughout North America.

Kristi Donahue, LEED AP BD+C

Senior Project Manager / Vice President

Kristi Donahue traveled extensively throughout Europe pursuant to her studies prior to receiving her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Idaho in 2000. A strong background in retail, hospitality, and design outside of her studies preceded her arrival at Reprise. We’re not sure if her strong conversation and communications skills are a product of her experience or the catalyst.

Programming, planning, and design in the areas of hospitality, commercial, and residential is the snapshot of her background. She is LEED accredited and a green design specialist. We find that space planning, and interior design and development — especially working with clients and finish materials is her natural proclivity.

Here at Reprise Kristi is a project manager who has worked with Parasole Restaurant Holdings, United Properties, Oppidan Development, Metro Equity Management, Brinks, and Burlington Coat Factory. For the past several years Kristi has proved herself one of the most indispensable architectural project managers in the United States for McDonald’s USA and Crisp & Green as they move forward with new builds and major remodels. Kristi has proven herself one of the most indispensable architectural project managers in the United States for McDonald’s USA and Crisp & Green as they move forward with new builds and major remodels.

Nick Decker

Senior Project Manager / Vice President

Just as with many building designers, Nick’s early childhood orbited around K’nex and Legos. Then he hit the ripe childhood age of seven and golf grabbed his attention. Nick’s love of the sport was so strong that he committed college breaks to it, spending roughly 50 hours a week on the course each summer. Design and golf—two passions that never waned.

Nick attended the only high school in Nebraska that offered an architectural engineering course. He was able to explore his architectural interests and then continue on to the University of Minnesota. There he earned his degree in Architecture and met the person who would later become his wife.

Nick began his professional career working on behalf of high-end residential clients. After nearly a decade in residential design, he gravitated toward working in the commercial marketplace. He found Reprise where he knew he could learn and thrive, and we welcomed his talent and experience. In return Reprise found an individual that thrives on varied and diverse circumstances.  We were so enthused that we offered him all of our complex circumstances permanently and he accepted.

Nick is a focused listener who asks targeted questions, expertly organizes, and creates construction drawings. Drive and focus. That’s Nick. Whether he has a club in his hands or is at Reprise working on projects, he’s the person you want on your team.

Heidi Winsor

Project Manager

Heidi is fascinated by ideas. She was designing floor plans and urban environments long before she knew the term, architect. Her first designs, complete with imitation roads and miniature trees, were in her childhood sandbox. In sixth grade, Heidi proclaimed at career day, “I want to make floor plans!” Luckily for us, her teacher led her to architecture. Heidi moved boldly in that direction, one degree at a time earning an AS from St. Cloud Technical College and a BS from North Dakota State University.

An accomplished, award-winning architect, Heidi came to Reprise with an impressive resume that included nearly two decades of experience with some of the most highly respected architects and developers in North America. In 2009, she won an award for Excellence in Concrete and Masonry Design and Construction for the School House Square Bell Tower in Hastings, MN.

She has an amazing ability to grasp objectives, organize and follow through—all while seeking input from others in a way that builds harmony. Whether hiking, canoeing, traveling to historic places or enjoying fashion couture, she is passionate about design and her search for new perspectives on familiar challenges.

Joelen Hansen

Project Manager

What goes around comes around. That saying holds true for Joelen (Jo). After earning her B.A. in Architecture, she worked for several years as an intern architect for McDonald’s Corporation in Oak Brook, IL. Those were the early days of AutoCAD, and Joelen helped set the standards for McDonald’s restaurants as she designed floor plans to support the brand experience. Today, years later, she is happily serving McDonald’s again. This time, with Reprise Design as a Project Manager.

There’s a commonality among many architects. They seem to get “bitten by the architecture bug” early on. It’s true with Joelen. She clearly recalls finding her career in sixth grade as she drew floor plans just for fun. Later, in high school, a special drafting teacher mentored her toward her career and into college where she drafted for the University of Iowa. Her professional experience is solid. In the past 20-plus years, she has served clients in corporate, commercial, residential, government, higher education, and health care industries.

Joelen is goal-oriented. She planfully looks forward, yet she steadily focuses on the present. Widowed from her soulmate and a single mom at 38, she learned not to take things for granted. Her mantra: live life to the fullest. Don’t waste a minute of it, and have no regrets.

Ask her what lights up her life. She’ll firmly name her son. “He’s my pride and joy,” she states. Ask her what makes her happy. She’ll mention adventure and culture: biking, hiking, kayaking, yoga, art museums and plays—all with family or friends.

You’ll enjoy working with Joelen. We sure do. She is artistic, organized, skillful socially and has a great capacity to motivate others. She embraces the thought leadership of Stephen Covey, BlessingWhite, James Lewis and others. She builds habits, manages her professional growth and skillfully executes projects on time, on budget, and with maximum efficiency and productivity.

Here’s an interesting tidbit. Ask Joelen about Texas Holdem, and we’ll let her share the rest of that story.

Andrew Benson

Project Manager

After graduating from Northwest Technical Institute in the late 90s, Andy worked with three different architectural firms in the Twin Cites designing assisted living, medical, institutional and residential spaces before joining Reprise. With us, he eased into a steady diet of commercial work without skipping a beat.

We applaud Andy’s rock solid grasp of construction documentation and his lighthearted, focused enthusiasm for work. We do wonder, however, if his efforts are a means to enable his gusto for sports. In the spring, summer and fall, he coaches, plays, watches…you name it. His need to be involved in the game appears to be so strong that we wonder how he gets through the winter months. Maybe that is why he collects autographs from sports stars. Ron Santo, Barry Sanders, Wayne Gretzke are among proudest possessions.

Andy isn’t one to spend time philosophizing about his work. He is keenly task-oriented and energized by speed and precision. Whether Andy is working out a work process issue or a team roster, his mantra is, “Just do it.”

Kenneth Wettstein

Project Manager

Ken joined us with over 25 years of professional experience working in the design field, but his interest in the field started much earlier. As a young boy, he liked helping his big brother, a drafter, with blue prints. So Ken’s journey to become a drafter started. He began drafting classes in high school and went on to receive a diploma in architectural drafting from Detroit Lakes Vocational Technical Institute.

Ken launched his professional career working for a structural engineering firm. Years later, as work opportunities slowed in engineering, and he chose to move to architectural firms. The rest is history. Ken loves what he is doing because he gets to create something from nothing. He starts with a blank page and soon enough he has an entire design to happily pass on to his client. But his excitement doesn’t stop there. He eagerly does field work and enjoys watching buildings evolve into finished products.

Outside of the concrete jungle, you might find Ken outdoors either hunting or fishing. He also gladly spends time with his wife of 25 years and their daughter—a talented cheerleader who competed in a national cheerleading competition last year!

Nicole Nelson

Project Manager

Nikki is a proud product of Minnesota’s premier college town, Northfield. She began her career working as an intern with the late Don Starr at Starr Design in 1998. Eight years of institutional, retail, and residential experience behind her — she now journeys north daily to work with us as a key retail/hospitality player in our expanding national marketplace.

Reprise takes credit for finding talent having excellent relational skills and an understanding of retailing and hospitality. Nikki, not being the exception, has trained restaurant and country club staff and managed facilities. Our bet is that this experience quietly instills a subtle knowledge of “operations” that is expected of us but difficult to develop outside of the having experienced the “real thing”. A perfect match for McDonald’s USA, Nikki designs, details, and documents new stores and retrofits across a 35 state region.

In addition to McDonald’s, Nikki’s past architectural experience includes Hearth & Home Technologies, Video Update, and Waterford Oil. She has experience working with hospital/clinic and college facilities and has an enviable list of activities and affiliations in serving her community. She is a partner in her family’s business growing fall vegetables.

Renae Herget

Accounting Manager

Renae Herget takes care of the administrative side of Reprise Design. If you have questions about billing, scheduling, or other front office-details, contact Renae. You’ll be thrilled with how responsive and detailed-oriented she is and how well she understands design.

She participates in the Society of Design Administration (an affiliate of the AIA) as a way to gather and exchange ideas with other administrative personnel from architectural and engineering firms. Design administration is a perfect fit for Renae. Not only does she understand the front office, but she is a highly experienced design technician. She holds an Architectural Technology degree from Northwest Technical Institute and has 13 years of experience in the field. She understands this business through and through.

We’re happy to have Renae manage our office. She does it in a way that best serves our clients efficiently and professionally and frees us up to work with you.

Corrine Jensen


Corrine is our Vice President, Greg Jensen’s wife. She has been with us socially and in spirit for a lifetime. If we presented a “lifetime commitment” award for positive social energy and overall support we would have retired it in her name long before she was officially on the team. Corrine’s Christmas baked treats alone are worth coming to the office for.

Raised in rural Montgomery, MN Corrine migrated in the direction of increased population and economic promise. She earned her degree in business from DCTC. Prior to starting with Reprise she was just down the street managing a dental office for 20 years. Her experience there connecting with patients and understanding the vast complexities of services and insurances translates magnificently to similar complexities around jurisdictions and approvals. Corrine manages internal office issues of payroll and accounting and external issues such as architectural registrations throughout North America.

See’s what needs to be done is her mantra. Every new circumstance that needs addressing comes with a detailed description and an equally detail proposed solution. Unafraid to take on new tasks, she has energy around applying prior strategies to new challenges. She externalizes her thinking by describing to us her proposed approach. We nod and say have at it.

The past few years outside of work have produce two married children and then a grandchild. Family is first on the list of Corrine’s meaningful outside activities. When not parenting or grand parenting; baking, crafting and traveling absorb her time.

Andrey Lysenko

Design Technician / Job Captain

The ability to “imagine” runs in families. Inspired by his father, a furniture designer in Russia, Andrey decided that he, too, would enter the world of design. He acted on that vision.

Andrey joined Reprise with exceptionally strong drafting skills. He currently splits his time in the field doing site and accessibility surveys and drafting for McDonald’s USA.

When you work with Andrey, you work with a skilled architectural technician who helps you through the vast matrix of details and ensures a smooth building process. A consummate professional, Andrey listens for details and responds with the finest, most respectful work ethic possible.

Brent Halvorsen

Design Technician

We only hire the best Design Technicians. So when we noticed Brent’s attention to detail, people skills and work efficiency, we asked him to join our team. He entered the field of architecture with two main strong-suits: a gift in math and a foundation in faith. Brent started his architectural studies in high school. He excelled right away in design and knew he’d find a career in it. But right out of high school, and ready for college, he was compelled to study the bible and explore his spiritual side first. He spent two years at the Association Free Bible School and earned a Certificate of Bible degree. Afterwards, he explored his area of strength, architectural and building technology. This gifted technician graduated with honors from Northwest Technical Institute with an Associate of Applied Science degree.

Early on, our clients liked working with him. They, like us, noted his skill and efficiency and his ability to build strong professional relationships. This people-oriented person is a superb listener and a supportive team member.

So what’s he doing in his free time? Card and board games. We love his energy to focus on games that revolve around people interaction and intellectual challenges. In fact, Brent hosts a monthly game night that is open to anyone interested. He says that includes you, too!

Jason Herold

Design Technician

Jason likes to figure things out. Prior to joining Reprise, he gained years of experience designing store layouts and doing fixture planning for high-end grocery stores in the Twin Cities. After many years though, he decided it was time to broaden his work portfolio, and he found Reprise to be the perfect fit. The opportunities are “similar but not the same,” he explains. “I can use what I know to design other retail and commercial spaces.”

His yearning for drafting developed in high school where he took construction and drafting classes. “In those days, we used pencil and drew by hand. It stuck ever since.” Regardless of the medium, his focus became clear, so he spent two years at Northwest Technical Institute. After graduating with an A.S. degree, he began his career. Along the way and eager to teach and help others, he taught 3D animation at Hennepin Technical College.

Jason isn’t afraid to take risks and try new things. To him, learning is fun, and figuring out how things work, well—it’s natural. As a hobby, he fixes computers. “First, I try; and then I dig on the internet.” Since the first time he sat at a computer, he’s been engrossed. His advice to others, “Be excited to learn more.” That’s the advice he has passed on to his two children. Explore. Try new things.

It’s spending time with family that’s Jason’s top priority, from a varsity basketball game to watch his daughter play, to deer hunting or golfing with his son, to talking shop with his wife (also a store planner). What’s next for Jason? Like many Minnesotans, he sees a boat in his future—for the family (and their Bernese Mountain Dog, if he wants).

Terry Brezany

Design Technician

A multifaceted artist, Terry is a natural illustrator, painter and sculptor. These talents evolved early on and remain with her today. Reprise is not the first place her artistry has taken her. By 1992 Terry had two degrees under her belt — a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Minneapolis College of Arts and Design in environmental, architectural and interior design, and a Master of Fine Arts Degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art in sculpture, art history and art theory. With these degrees in hand, she left the Midwest for New York City where she sculpted and painted her way as a visual artist and was the runner-up for a prestigious grant from the Jerome Foundation.

After 10 years of working as a professional visual artist (and a talented chef), Terry returned to Minnesota to be near her family. Still painting on the side, her most recent endeavor took her to Northwest Technical Institute where she received her Applied Associates of Science degree in Architectural Building Technology while taking a special interest in sustainable architecture.

With a background like this we are thrilled she has joined the Reprise team as a design technician, but there is even more to appreciate. Terry is committed to service professionally and in the community at large. When she’s not at work serving clients, you may find her helping animals at a rescue shelter or working with the homeless. She’s a great, all-around individual.

Erin Fletcher

Design Technician

Even at age 12, Erin was drawing floor plans.  Her early career buzzed around client service and problem resolution as an Executive Assistant for New England Financial/MetLife, her father’s agency, and as a Closer for Warranty Title.  Yet the passion for design never rested. So after taking a break from work outside the home to raise and homeschool her children, she studied architecture and earned a degree in Architectural Technology.

Erin has been known to flood her family with daily details about her work days.  They don’t quite understand her excitement and energy, but we do. And we love it. Erin’s talent results in an infectious eagerness to expand her knowledge and to organize and apply what she knows in new ways.

Perhaps she gained some of her work ethic from her first employer—her dad, a high ranking Colonel in the U.S. Marines.

Houawa Yang

Design Technician

Houawa was on the path to building design all along. He just took the long road to get there, gaining valuable skills at each stop. In his Michigan high school, Houawa jumped at the opportunity to take a drafting class, and so his journey began with stop one.

His strong faith led him to stop two. Ministry. When he went to Simpson College in Redding, California, he earned a degree in Youth Ministries. With life’s twists and turns, however, youth ministry wasn’t for him. He got back on the trail, powered by his determination, kindness, and communication skills.

And so the journey continued. During the next 12 years, his stops included financial and medical firms in California and Minnesota (were his family had relocated). At each job, he developed administrative responsibilities and proved to be an adaptable and hard worker.

Finally, Houawa returned to what he always knew he wanted to do. He went back to school to study Architectural Technology. We won’t say that this is Houawa’s last stop, but we will say that we are glad the journey brought him here! Houawa’s wife, their three young boys, six of his eight siblings and most of his nieces and nephews live nearby. Family is important to Houawa, so spending time with them fills his heart and his time. He loves watching the older two boys care for their younger brother, and because Houawa and his wife want to give adequate attention to each of their children, they think they’ll stick to three.

Jeff Schrafft

Design Technician

Jeff arrived on our doorstep with 15 years of design experience in the Restaurant and Grocery industries throughout the Midwest. His architectural technician background piqued our interest as it boasted the names Nash Finch, SUPERVALU, Dairy Queen, and PlanForce.

He exudes enthusiasm for providing the best products for clients, and he firmly focuses on problem solving, organization and clear communication. We saw these traits on his resume, and he exemplifies them every day. Jeff is the human illustration of the phrase “worth every page of the deal.” He connects with people in the food industry, helps them work through the design process and address unique problems that occur along the way. No problem is too difficult to tackle. He’s spot on in addressing issues from day one and well into the process.

Country and 80’s rock music, walleye fishing, swing dancing, home improvement projects, traveling across the globe are his go-to interests. He’s a talented and very interesting person, but you may have to prompt him to boast or talk about himself. Ask him about his Arch Allies arm tat or his favorite country performer, Tim Sigler. That’ll get him talking.

Gabriel Diaz

Design Technician

Gabe’s architectural education started at Dakota County Technical College. His youthful desire at the start was a career as a professional soccer player. He played in college and viewed architecture as a backup plan. As it turns out he loves architecture more than he ever imagined.

His mother’s maiden name is Picasso. A fact that impresses us more than it does Gabe. He smiles and says he’s not related. His father owned and managed tile subcontracting businesses doing work for clients similar in description to Reprise’ clients. His mom works in the restaurant business. Somewhere in his childhood and the life of his parents we find no surprise that he fits in here so well.

A man of dualities; he speaks English and Spanish; a leader in CADD language translation – Revit or AutoCad, cut the deck, he’ll play from either side; multi-residential projects in the morning, industrial in the afternoon. Always eager to abandon his desk for time in the field visiting sites; San Francisco, New Orleans, Kentucky, Texas, Arizona he speaks of as though they were pleasure trips.

Outside of work his travels, mostly to visit family in Monterey, Mexico or Houston, Texas. He would rather be outside moving about than reading a book. Snowboarding is his favorite past time.

In his years with Reprise large portions of his time have been invested in clients Such as Sinceri Senior Living, Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores, Pearson Vue and Best Buy.

Cassidy Brake

Design Technician

Cassidy Brake migrates daily into the city to the office. Her three sisters have all moved away from home. Cassidy’s horses, Mustang Sally and Juice Man, one a rescue and one an off track thoroughbred keep her attached to the family’s ten acre spread in New Market. Her dogs, Tucker and Tilly fill out her animal menagerie.

Cassidy borrows her work focus aptitude from parents – mom in a multi-generational family carpet business established by her grandfather and her father in the automotive industry. Cassidy’s values are built around reliability and organizational skills. Nothing in her work life makes her happier than being given the latitude to take on more. She absorbs the context of everything happening around her and willfully expands her foundation of skills every chance she gets. She views herself as shy. We’re not seeing it.

Perhaps colloquial to being Minnesotan, there’s nothing unusual in Cassidy’s other interests being interior design and hockey. Hockey is a family obsession. Interior design she can’t account for. Her start at Reprise aligned perfectly with Covid-19 taking hold. So there was some stop and go lurching but we held on to one another to make it through to solid ground.

The bulk of her work on our behalf has been for the restaurant/retail industry situating new Dunkin’ Donuts, Caribou Coffee, Yardbird Outdoor Furniture and other Brand Names that have found brick and mortar opportunity in this challenging time.

Alan Schmitz

Design Technician

Music first, and then drawing sparked Alan’s interests early on, even before high school. He grew up in St Paul and attended Creative Arts High School in Center City where the average graduating class size is 25 eager artists. Throughout high school, Alan used art imagery to support his interest in music.
Today, his top interest outside of architecture continues to combine art + music. Specifically, he is drawn to the progressive metalcore music genre. He frequents local urban venues like The Cabooze and Amsterdam Bar and Hall where he keeps up to date on diverting and versatile high energy music. (By the way, he gives both ERRE and August Burns Red top ratings.) Add math and technology to his art and music talents. What do you get? Great aptitude at digital art and digital caricaturing. Want to know what that means? Browse to websites of metalcore music groups for digital graphic representations.
A graduate of the DCTC architectural technology program, Alan quickly grasped the architecture and construction process parts of the job. His experience gives credence to the idea that “if you possess the right tools, the tools themselves do half of the teaching.” Without delay, Alan learned how the industry works, and he delivers every time.
At Reprise, Alan serves Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores, Pearson Vue, Best Buy, Smile Doctors and McDonald’s.

Bethany Dulin

Design Technician

Bethany Dulin is a multitalented design technician from St Louis, MO, she earned her BA from the University of Kansas (KU) School of Architecture & Design. She’s a creative, adaptable, positive team player with an unyielding work ethic.

“People first” is Bethany’s mantra and part of her moral code of ethics. Professionally, she’s steadfast in how she serves our clients and her coworkers. On a personal level, she gratefully stays connected to her extremely tightknit family. Spread across the country, they share a bond. And then there’s the Kansas City Chiefs. Bethany’s partner, working on his MBA at Concordia College in St. Paul, formerly played football at KU. They are an allegiance to the Chiefs that hasn’t waned (even though they’re now in Viking country).

Bethany is a foodie who seeks out new restaurants, to try the food and soak in the latest design elements, and an adrenaline junkie who’s happy when she’s in action. From golf to the gym, to trying new activities, Bethany finds joy in movement. Food + movement—not a bad combo.

At Reprise, we can hand over any project to Bethany. She’s adaptable, dedicated, and easily goes with the flow. Smile Doctors, Image Studio, Mercury Broadband and Jamba Juice are some of her notable assignments with us. Over time, as she continues here and works toward becoming a registered architect, we see her moving into leadership and project manager roles. Her values align with ours—trust, transparency, honesty, and mutual respect. They shape how we work, and they define Bethany.